Phase 2 Of THIS PLAN Rocks … 3 pounds a day

Hi 🙂

Women who are overweight are up to 12 times more likely to develop diabetes.

Think about that.

If you don’t face up to your excess body fat, you’re walking around with a time bomb ticking in your body, just waiting to explode and ruin your life.

And diabetes isn’t the only thing you have to worry about. Excess body fat can cause:

●       Aching joints, back pain, headaches, and more. Getting up in the morning is a painful experience, and the pain can last all day.

●       Chronic fatigue and exhaustion that makes it difficult to enjoy life. Worse yet, many people have trouble falling asleep as well.

●       Severe illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, depression, and even brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

And after working with thousands of clients, I know how hard it is to break the cycle.

And my good friend and partner Brian, who has recently become the #1 weight loss expert in the world, knows it too…

First, because a long time ago he was 100 pounds overweight, had diabetes symptoms ….

In fact, here’s his story below and how he became the #1 selling weight loss author OF 2017, by helping over 100.000 women worldwide lose weight …

Here are some of his clients

“I tried the 2 Week Diet & Exercise Plan for the entire two week period, and lost an amazing 15 kilos. I couldn’t be happier!

You’ve changed my life Brian! I feel happier and healthier than I’ve ever felt before!” – Chloe K

“The first thing that blew me away was the fact that this book is so thoroughly researched, well written and easy to follow….I learned so much about weight loss that I had no idea about before.

The program was easy to follow, loved the short workouts and I lost a massive 22 pounds! I’ve never been more happy or confident with how I look!” – Sheila J.

“I’m 45 and I’ve tried several weight loss programs for the past 15 years which have never had any impact on me – just a yoyo effect.

I decided I would try one diet & exercise plan for the last time, and that was The 2 Week Diet & Exercise System. I’m so happy I’ve made that decision. I’ve lost 18 lbs in 2 weeks and I continued to follow the advice of Brian, the food, the exercises and I feel better and better as my waist measurements continue to shrink!

Thank you a thousand times!” – Pam


“I was overweight for a long time.

Heck, let’s just face it: I was obese. I was almost 100 pounds overweight …

People gave me looks in the grocery store like I was some evil person. Even when I was picking up healthy food items, they stared me down.

People thought I had given up.

But really, I was trying everything I could think of to lose weight! For some people, it’s just a lot tougher than people realize.

I tried hundreds of diets, and some of them worked… but the fat just came back after a few weeks. Even when I ate all-natural foods, I couldn’t shed the pounds.

I was exercising like you wouldn’t believe, sometimes for two hours a day. (As it turns out, exercising too much was one of my biggest problems!)

I felt terrible. I was in pain all the time. Getting out of bed took special effort.

But I was determined to find the solution I needed.

Finally, I did.

The Real Solution to Long-Term Fat Loss Is Natural… and Easy.

Your body does two things really well:

1.     Create body fat.

2.     Burn body fat.

If you’re like me and like thousands of women I’ve helped, it seems like Step #1 is a lot easier.

But it turns out that your body is designed to burn fat… under the right conditions.

The only problem is that most of us spend 20 hours a day creating fat!

Think about that for a minute…20 hours a day creating fat.

Only 4 hours burning fat.

You don’t have to be good at math to know that’s a bad ratio.

In nature, we’re supposed to spend a lot more time burning fat, but the modern world has made that much more difficult for our bodies.

Once I figured that out and managed to lose my first 20 pounds of fat, I decided to create a system that will put my body into fat-burning mode more often, and here’s what happened:

●       First, I flushed out my body and cleansed it to make way for the healthy nutrition that was going to take over.

●       Then, I shifted my body into fat-burning mode for 3 times as many hours as before. I went from 4 hours of fat-burning to 12 hours, and it completely obliterated the fat.

●       Finally, I wrote down all my strategies and shared it with my friends and family… and they burned 8-16 pounds in just 2 weeks.

Now, I’m no longer at risk of diabetes, and I’ve never looked better! I have lost over 100 pounds even though I was 45 …

2 Weeks. 3 Phases. Up to 16 Pounds.

Some people I know have lost 16 pounds in just 2 weeks using this system I created.

And seriously… it’s the easiest program I’ve ever seen.

I’ve tried tons of diets myself, and this is by fat the easiest diet ever… in fact, it’s the most fun… (Who wouldn’t be excited about losing one pound a day?)

The program is broken down into three phases, but it’s Phase 2 that really blows people’s minds. Some people lose up to 3 pounds in one day.

Use this page right now to DOWNLOAD my entire system so you can burn 16 pounds of fat in just 2 weeks, like thousands of women already did.

Really. No, really. That’s happening.

Now, of course you can’t sustain 3 pounds a day for too long. It just wouldn’t be healthy.

But experiencing that difference is life-giving, pure and simple!

And if you like coffee, this program just got even easier.

Losing Weight Is Everything. It’s Freedom.

For me, losing weight meant more than looking good at the family barbecue.

It was my life.

It was my freedom.

I could finally run around with the kids and play sports with them.

I could run on the beach without a trace of self-consciousness. I could sprint through the airport and know that I was going to catch my flight. My life was taking off.

I didn’t wake up feeling sluggish and exhausted before the day even began.

I wasn’t walking around with pain in my back and legs all the time.

In every way you could imagine, I was finally free.

So I decided to share these strategies with every person I possibly could. And last year, over 100.000 women worldwide have managed to lose up to 137 pounds of fat on my plan, which makes me really proud!. 


​​​​​Use this page right now to DOWNLOAD my entire system so you can burn 16 pounds of fat in just 2 weeks, like thousands of women already did.

Enjoy your results 🙂

Your friend,
Aline Pilani


This Weird Diet Trick Helped Me Lose 11 Lbs & 3 Dress Sizes In My 1st Week

I finally put the horror of being overweight behind me with this WEIRD TRICK That Changed My Life!

Hi, I’m Lisa, I’m a 45 year old mom living in a small town in Georgia.

I was never one of the “cool” skinny girls in school. Regrettably for most of my life I yo-yo’ed between a size 12 and 16 no matter what I tried.

Throughout my life I’ve suffered through countless diets – where I:

  • Ate food that tasted like cardboard
  • Took dangerous prescription medicines
  • Choked down diet pills that made my heart race
  • Even starved myself, desperate to lose the weight

Each and every time I would stop dieting for only a few days only to have the weight pile back on with a vengeance.

I used to chalk it up to genetics.

…until a random visit to my family doctor turned my life upside down.

It was a Monday morning.

I had been feeling nauseous for the second day in a row.

My husband wanted to get me to the doctor to see what was wrong.

After 35 minutes in the waiting room the nurse came and got me. She took my weight (the WORST part of a visit to the Doctor for an overweight girl like me) and got me ready to see Dr. Turner.

After a few minutes of basic questions he ruled out the common offenders and asked me to take a pregnancy test (anyone else not like peeing on a stick?).

I could see on Dr. Turner’s face, minutes later when he reentered the room, that something wasn’t right. I immediately began to feel nervous.

“Lisa, congratulations, it looks like you’re going to be a mother”, he began.

My mind began to race and I felt what could only be described as wonder and joy.

But, what happened next would send me plummeting into a spiral of fear that would change my life forever.

“But, I’m concerned”, he continued, “that if you don’t lose your excess weight, there’s a strong chance you are going to lose your child”.

Suddenly I felt like I needed to swallow but I couldn’t and my heart started pounding.

No longer was my weight problem something I could ignore. I may lose my first child because of my weight? I hadn’t considered that as even a possibility.

In that moment, reality hit me like a ton of bricks. I took a deep breath and when I exhaled, the tears started flowing.

I continued to cry for what seemed like forever. It was an utterly helpless feeling.

When I arrived home that evening, I was confused, alone and still in shock. I wanted to be strong but I knew if I spoke to my husband I’d break into tears. Finally I shared the news with my husband.

I was so ashamed and scared to tell him that “I” may be the reason we can’t have a beautiful child together.

As I cried, my husband, too, began to cry (something I had never seen him do).

I realized in that moment that unless I figured out how to drop my weight quickly, there was a good chance I would lose our baby and things would never be the same.

Tuesday, 2:35 PM I texted my big brother:

He called me and I shared what had happened with John. Like the good big brother he is, he calmed me down and asked if he could do some research and talk again in a few days.

In John’s day job, he worked in a lab formulating weight loss supplements for a well known diet pill company. But, I knew pills were not the answer for me since pills can often lead to dangerous side effects in pregnant women.

Thursday, 1:23 AM, laying in bed trying to sleep when I hear a loud knock at the front door.

So loud, in fact, that my husband jumped up out of a deep sleep, scrambled for a baseball bat that lay near the dresser and clumsily stumbled toward the front door.

I tossed on my robe and shadowed nervously behind him.

To my surprise it was John!

“You’re awake!”, he said.

“I am now, what are you doing here?”, I asked in a daze.

“We have to talk”, said John, who also looked tired but strangely wide awake with excitement.

“It couldn’t wait”, he said. “I had to tell you. I figured it out!”

For the next 15-minutes, John proceeded to tell me everything he’d been up to for the last several days. Since we talked last, he’d been pouring through research papers.

I sat in silence, mouth agape, in a trance, listening to every word….

He continued to tell me that he’d spent the last few days intensely researching a very specific hormone that controls fat loss.

The bizarre discovery, and what had John so excited, is that women produce twice as much of this Hormone than men. Normally this Hormone does nothing, but when triggered, causes our bodies to burn 2-times more fat than in men.

He continued to explain that this Master Hormone might very well be able to end my long battle with weight loss. He told me I’d need to start right away.

John grabbed a pen and paper and outlined exactly what to eat and when to eat each food.

I was still very skeptical, especially when he listed off several foods that I thought were not ok on a diet, like Ice Cream (my personal guilty pleasure).

I thanked John for being a good brother and taking care of me, and we all went back to bed for the night.

The next morning I jumped out of bed as a girl on a mission! I headed to the grocery store and purchased every food on John’s list.

I just remembered thinking “This seems far too easy”.

But I was desperate and ready to try anything.

Plus, John obviously knows what works for fat loss since he had also battled our poor genetics earlier in his own life.

I immediately began eating the foods John outlined and followed the other surprisingly simple steps he’d shared with me the night before.

In my first week I incredibly lost 11 pounds and dropped 3 dress sizes

Since I took John’s advice, here are the SHOCKING results I experienced that I will always consider a true miracle:

  1. My weight dropped like a brick to 187 lbs in my first trimester (which isn’t easy). My husband and I no longer had to worry about delivery issues with our baby. I’m happy to say we had a healthy, happy baby girl named Page and we couldn’t be more blessed!
  2. I have since lost an additional 58 lbs (81 pounds total)! This was over the course of just one year. It was far easier than I expected because even after Page was born, my brother continued his research like a man possessed, so I never once felt hungry and I’ve not gained back any of the weight since. This is the part of my story John likes to tell.
  3. I just had my 40th birthday and, I feel as healthy and energetic as I did in my 20’s. Keeping up with children would have been impossible for me at my previous weight!
  4. My extreme fatigue and dramatic mood swings have disappeared and my creativity and “zest for life” have come roaring back just in time to welcome a new member into our family. I truly couldn’t feel happier.

Since then, something else amazing has happened and it’s the main reason I’m sitting at my desk writing this letter now.

My brother is an amazing person who is not only brilliant but also a natural teacher with a big heart. Our lives had been changed so much by John’s breakthrough discovery that we encouraged him to share his tips with women everywhere.

John has since quit his day job and made it his personal mission in life to share his healthy weight loss discovery with women all across the world.

He has recently published his NEW FAT LOSS MANUAL – in which he shares how to lose 3 dress sizes and 11 pounds in your first week!

And if you’re a woman who has struggled with weight loss, you owe it to yourself to READ my brother’s NEW FAT LOSS MANUAL TODAY!

Just click the link below to download it for free!


I really hope it has even a fraction of the impact on your life that it has had on mine because the information you’re about to learn has forever changed my life.

I really hope it has the same impact on you as it did on me. Because the information you’re about to learn has literally saved my life.

– Lisa



















This Very Common VEGGIE Causes Weight Gain [Case Study]

Article by Aline P.

(weight loss and fitness expert)

Please read today’s article carefully, because a young Harvard medical student has discovered, what it’s probably the biggest scandal in the health industry in the past decade..

Now, for years, you’ve been told that all vegetables are healthy.. Right?

Well you’re in for a disturbing surprise

Latest research from the University Of Massachusetts, one of the top universities in the country, shows that there are certain common vegetables that contain harmful body fattening amino acids which causes the body to store huge amounts of fat in your digestive system aka your belly 🙁 

But Not only that…

These certain veggies are some of the most popular vegetables that are recommended by most trainers, nutritionist and even doctors… even me 🙁

But you make be thinking…

How can vegetables cause you to gain weight?

This was the same question that puzzled me, until I met the young Harvard medical student I mentioned before, while attending a nutrition seminar in Boston 3 weeks ago…

But what blew me away was this…

He also showed me a simple tweak that helped a 45 yr old out of shape woman, who was a diabetic, with a serious thyroid problem, lose over 37 lbs in a matter of weeks… HERE’S HOW SHE DID IT!

But that wasn’t the most amazing part…

All her previous medical problems and disease in her body completely vanished :- )

Her story actually made the 6 o’ clock news because she only removed 1 common vegetable from her diet to not only lose 37 lbs, but her insulin went back to normal and now at the young age of 45 she is diabetic free and has the energy of a 26 yr old 🙂

You can see her story in the page below but let me warn you of something before you do…

You might get bit pissed off, maybe even swear a little, when you’ll see the list of vegetables that you thought were healthy….

But after watching this short video you will be relieved because you will know exactly what “healthy” foods to avoid to look lean and feel young again, with more energy than you had in years :- ).

==> Take These Common VEGGIES Out Of Your Diet If You Want Your Body To Be Able To Burn Fat [VIDEO]





*It’s important to note, specific results are not typical and are NOT guaranteed. So the sweet thing is, your results may vary, because every woman is unique, of course. Especially when we consider how many different female “body-types” there are..

Statements have not been reviewed by the FDA as our weight loss tips are not designed to treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult with a qualified medical professional if you are pregnant, plan on becoming pregnant, nursing, taking any medications, or had any illness in the past before starting any new supplements. Understand that your results will vary. We are not giving any medical advice and all information on this website is for informational purposes only. By using our tips, you are doing so at your own risk and knowingly waive all rights to make any legal claims against the site owners or its affiliates.
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Our Anti Cellulite Cup Set – Anti Cellulite Suction Cup For Cellulite Removal

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We have our own manufacturing facility in China and we are proud to create the best quality Anti cellulite cup sets on the market.

Using our cellulite cup set on your body will help you get rid of cellulite and at least drastically reduce it. 

The cupping massage technique done with a Suction Cup For Cellulite has been used by the Chinese for thousands of years to release stress and increase blood flow. Using our silicone suction massager cups also reduces water retention and excess fluids from thighs, arms and legs, making your thighs look slimmer, smoother and more toned after just a few uses.

With every order of our cellulite vaccum cup sets, you get our anti cellulite system and our anti aging manual AT NO COST, delivered to you by email.

We stand by our cellulite cup set and we have a 100% customer satisfaction policy and if you are not happy with our cellulite cup set, just return it within 120 days and we will refund you no questions asked.

You can click here to check out cellulite cup set from amazon !

How I Lose 72 Pounds In 4 Months WITH PIZZA

“Everybody says that weight loss is an extremely difficult task that takes months and sometimes years, and that you have to eat terribly boring foods to see any results.

My name is Dawn and I know for a fact that this is not true because I lost 22 pounds in my first month, and 72 pounds in 4 months on Aline’s weight loss plan…

I was overweight, lazy, and hated my body. I didn’t feel sexy, or slim, and I hated buying new clothes because I knew I always had to buy the extra large size.

I had tried all the diets out there – from the low carb diet, the sugar free diet, the cabbage soup diet, the mango diet, the acai berry diet, and frankly, none of them worked for me.

I had tried going to the gym regularly, sometimes even twice a day, but nothing worked …. 

It was a Tuesday morning, on the 1st of the month when I stepped on the bathroom scale to check my previous month’s progress…

But instead of being 1-2 pounds lighter, I actually gained 5 pounds.

I couldn’t take it anymore… 

I took a deep breath and when I exhaled, the tears started flowing….

I was so tired of hating my body’s reflection in the mirror…

I have really done my best to eat the right way and exercise… 

In that moment I realized that unless I figured out how to fix my weight problem quickly, there was a good chance I would end up being unhappy for the rest of my life… 

In all honesty, I almost gave up in that moment, but then something inside me snapped…and I decided, I wasn’t just going to accept this. 

So I jumped onto my Ipad and  I started researching like crazy…. and that’s how I discovered Aline’s Morning Fat Melter and my life changed 🙂

I was doing some searching on Google one day for “extreme weight loss”. You know, not the types of programs that take months of slow, boring progress, but the “rapid” programs that work fast.

I came across an article inside My Personal Trainer Magazine, about a new program that provided extremely fast results.

It was written by a world class nutritionist who said he had 10 of his female clients try a new program called “The Morning Fat Melter” and they were all able to lose 14 to 22 lbs of body fat by following it for 30 days.

I could hardly believe it. 22 pounds of fat in a month?

I didn’t think it was possible…

My goal that I had been trying for years to achieve was to lose 20 pounds. And this new program was promising that I could achieve more than that in only 30 day!

All those years of feeling frustrated and disgusted of my body would be over in an instant.

I visited her website and watched the video where Aline explained the scientific method to burn fat fast, without using diet pills or starving.

I had never heard someone explain a weight loss plan like this before, but everything she said made 100% sense to me.

I quickly joined The Morning Fat Melter and begun the process of losing weight quickly.

– Day 1 of following the program: I started with a short morning workout, then a protein shake and 5 more meals high in protein; In the evening I walked for 15 minutes, I lost half a pound of fat.

Not bad…

– Day 2 – did the same, except I didn’t walk. I had a day off, so at 5 pm I did another one of Aline’s short workouts … I lost a massive 2 lbs of fat! I couldn’t believe my eyes…

Once a week, I was allowed to eat everything I wanted… So on the 6th day I had my favorite pepperoni pizza and cheesecake  🙂 

– By the end of the first week I had lost 8 lbs of pure body fat. 

I followed Aline’s program for an entire month … and by the end of it, I had lost a staggering 22 pounds!

My stomach was slimmer, my butt was firmer, and I could actually fit comfortably into a nice pair of jeans!

That was more than I had expected!

And that’s when I realized that I can finally become a sexy woman, so I didn’t stop… I kept doing Aline’s 15 minutes workouts daily and stayed on her diet plan.

After 4 months, I lost 72 pounds of fat from my body.

This Last New Year’s Eve was the first time I dressed as a sexy woman since college… 

Friends and family were commenting how much weight I had lost, and I was getting looks from young men half my age!

I had never felt healthier or happier in my entire life!

I could now wear any outfit I wanted, I felt more confident. My husband was so pleased and excited. He loved my new body and our sex life improved dramatically!

I owe it all to The Aline and her weight loss program based on morning workouts and her meal plan.

It changed my life and it allowed me to lose so much fat off my body without having to starve myself or kill myself in the gym.

It was honestly so easy to follow and keep up with.

The morning workouts are intense but short and they make you feel amazing all day long.

The meal plan is high in protein and because of it, the late night cravings for carbs are fewer and fewer.

Aline was right when she said that you lose all the weight “while you sleep” as every morning you see a change of 0.5 to 2 pounds on the scale.

Whether you want to lose weight off your belly, hips, butt, or thighs, The Morning Fat Melter is the fastest and easiest way to lose weight without diet pills or starving.

And if you hurry, you won’t have to pay the full price for it (like I did) and you can get it with only 37 dollars, plus you’ll get Aline’s amazing bonuses at no cost”.

Start The Morning Fat Melter Program with only 37 dollars HERE (special one time offer)

3 Reasons Why My Workouts On Your Empty Stomach Burn 1 Pound Of Fat DAILY

workout on empty stomach to burn more fat

I hope that by now you are used to doing your morning workouts on your empty stomach 🙂

And to make things even more clear for you, below are the 3 main reasons why my workouts on your empty stomach can burn 1 pound of fat per day :- )

3 Reasons Why Doing My Workouts In The Morning on Your Empty Stomach Can Burn 1 Pound Of Fat

1. Your blood sugar is very low in the morning, which is perfect for burning fat. 

Because you haven’t eaten almost anything for the last 8 -10 hours, when you do my workouts, your body will need to transform your body fat into glucose in order to get energy, which is what you want.

At the same time, if you exercise after you have eaten – like most people do (and that’s why they get very small results)  – your body will use the energy from the food you have eaten, not the fat you want to burn …

Now, if you are affraid that you will not have enough strength or that you will lose muscle, do not worry, as my workouts are very short (18 minutes long including stretching and warm up).

They are a form of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) , which is well known for building muscles & burning fat.

And if you want to be 100% sure you will not lose muscle and you will have enough strength, just drink a small 4 OZ protein shake 10 minutes before the workout.

2. In the morning, you have an improved insulin sensitivity 

Doing your workouts in the morning, on your empty stomach is one way to increase your insulin sensitivity, resulting in your body releasing insulin less often.

This makes it easier for you to lose body fat, improves blood flow to muscles and even reduces the effect of eating foods that contain sugars and carbs.

3. In the morning, before eating, you have higher levels of Growth Hormone (GH)

Growth Hormone helps your body build new muscles tissues, burn fat, improves bone quality and longevity.

One study showed that 24 hours without food, increases the female growth hormone production by 1300 percent. 

So, if you are ready to lose over 20 pounds in the next 30 days, YOU CAN!

,You can get my entire program HERE at 75% off – around 1 dollar per day and you’ll lose 20 pounds GUARANTEED!

You’ll get all my workout videos, my 30 days detailed meal plan, my weight loss manuals and video training, plus my secret gifts worth over 200 dollars that will increase your metabolism with over 30% !

You know you need this 🙂 And if you don’t join now, you will spend those money on something you don’t need anyway… This is an investment in your health!

Just imagine yourself doing my program 🙂 Your family will support you, people will be proud of you …

Get my entire program HERE at 75% off – around 1 dollar per day to lose 20 pounds!



Last Chance To Lose 10 Lbs In 10 Days ?

For the last few days I have encouraged you to go get Danette’s “Flat Abs Fast” Dvd FOR FREE

Basically to get all her workout videos, meal plan and PDF manuals at zero cost 🙂

However, you should know that Danette’s supply of Flat Abs Fast DVDs is about to run out… In fact, I think TODAY is your last chance…  and when she will launch it again, she will charge 97 dollars for it…

GET your Flat Belly Fast DVD today FOR FREE !

Remember, the program includes everything you need–videos, quick and delicious meal plans, plus a couple of pretty sweet bonuses…AT NO COST  (just for a small shipping fee of only 5.95).

Plus, you can try it for 60 days, and if you don’t love it, she’ll even refund your shipping.

Listen, deals don’t get any better than this. You have absolutely nothing to lose on this one.

So, if you aren’t where you wanted to be by now, you can lose 10 pounds over the next 10 days with her program 🙂

GET your Flat Belly Fast DVD today FOR FREE !

In just 10 days, you can celebrate your 10 pounds weight loss 🙂

Have an amazing day 🙂

Aline Pilani



A few days ago I spent over 2 hours reading a diabetes forum and what people are doing to reverse their diabetes naturally…

I was so amazed that I decided to share some of the most amazing stories with you 🙂

“Indeed Virgin Coconut Oil has a substantial effect on blood sugar levels. My wife and daughter (both have type 2 diabetes) measure their blood sugar levels at least three times a day. When they eat the wrong foods and their blood sugar levels get to 80-100 points above normal, they don’t take extra medication, they take 2-3 teaspoons of the coconut oil directly from the bottle. Within a half hour their blood sugar levels will come back to normal”. Ed

Now, if taking 2-3 spoons of coconut fat per day isn’t for you because it feels odd, thanks to my friends from For Women’s Health, you can take 4-6 organic coconut oil capsules and get the same results.

They have just launched their coconut oil capsules on Amazon, and today you can get your 1 month supply for only 9.99. It’s discounted from their normal price of 34.99.

Get your extra virgin organic coconut oil capsules for weight loss on Amazon and save 80% – just use this code GTF9ZWBF to get it for only 9.99 :- )

“I’ve been diagnosed as Type II Diabetes and have been struggling with a wildly fluctuating blood sugar level for two years. I’ve used diet, exercise, herbs and vitamins in my attempts to stabilize my levels, with limited success. My MD wanted to put me on prescription meds, but I resisted based on reports I’d read about the long-term side effects of those drugs.

One day reading a newsletter, I ran across an article mentioning that Coconut Oil was used to regulate blood sugar levels. So on November 7, 2003, I ordered 2 quarts of the Virgin Coconut Oil. I began taking one teaspoon a day at dinner. My yearly blood test was done on January 2, 2004.

When I saw my MD on January 13, 2004, he was pleased to see that my blood sugar levels were now in the normal range, and told me that they’d been that way for a few months. I was ecstatic! I’ve been using Coconut oil since, and my blood sugars have stayed in the normal range ever since. Thanks God for making such a wonderful, healthy food source available to us!” Beth

“My husband is type 2 diabetic and we believe the use coconut oil has greatly helped in his control of blood glucose. With a very low carbohydrate diet, by taking up to 10 coconut oil capsules per day, and cooking only with coconut oil, he has been able to reduce his prescription drugs to the very lowest amount. Hopefully he will be able to eliminate them all together and control his diabetes with just diet. Suzan

Now, if taking 2-3 spoons of coconut fat per day isn’t for you because it feels odd, thanks to my friends from For Women’s Health, you can take 4-6 organic coconut oil capsules and get the same results.

They have just launched their coconut oil capsules on Amazon, and today you can get your 1 month supply for only 9.99. It’s discounted from their normal price of 34.99.

Get your extra virgin organic coconut oil capsules for weight loss on Amazon and save 80% – just use this code GTF9ZWBF to get it for only 9.99 :- )

How Much Coconut Oil Per Day to Increase Metabolism with up to 10%

Coconut oil has lots of benefits for your body and health! Studies have shown that taking a few grams of coconut oil daily can increase metabolism with up to 10%.

The fats inside coconut oil are Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) – which are fatty acids of a medium length.and they are metabolized differently compared to other fats.

They go straight to the liver from the digestive tract, where they are used as a quick source of energy or turned into so-called ketones, which have therapeutic effects on brain disorders like epilepsy and Alzheimer’s.

One study found that consuming coconut daily increased 24 hour energy expenditure by up to 10%.

Now, if taking 2 spoons of coconut fat per day isn’t for you, thanks to my friends from For Women’s Health, you can take 4-6 organic coconut oil capsules and get similar results.

They have just launched their organic coconut oil capsules on Amazon, and today you can get your 1 month supply for only $9.99. It’s discounted from their normal price of $34.99.

==> CLICK HERE to get your extra virgin organic coconut oil capsules for weight loss on Amazon and save 80%!

Just use this code GTF9ZWBF to get it for only $9.99 :- )




*It’s important to note, specific results are not typical and are NOT guaranteed. So the sweet thing is, your results may vary, because every woman is unique, of course. Especially when we consider how many different female “body-types” there are..

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No Motivation To Work Out? Try This Secret Trick To Skyrocket Your Motivation

Today, I want to give you a MENTAL technique that will make a huge difference in your body… especially if you will start implementing this 1 weight loss motivation secret I reveal below 🙂

Secret Meditation To Skyrocket Your Motivation

You see, after having worked with thousands of private clients, all women just like you, I realized that the number one reason why they are still overweight, even after having tried thousands of weight loss programs, is the fact that they doubt that they will lose weight 

It is true… each time they start a new diet or start exercising, they doubt it... They are almost sure it won’t work, but they try it anyway….

And guess what? It’s absolutely normal that IT DOESN’T WORK!

Has this happen to you? Do you experience these same thoughts each time you start a weight loss plan?

But what if there was a way to eliminate doubt and have so much confidence inside of you that your body starts changing from one day to another, so easily that you can’t believe it?

Well there is a way!

It’s something that I call affirmations that change your thought pattern!

Weight Loss Affirmations That Work

They are so powerful that they can increase your metabolism and the rate you lose weight… and all it takes is to say them for 3 minutes every morning!

Here’s one that works without a doubt! And it has worked amazingly for all my clients 🙂

“I have always been 130 pounds”… (your ideal weight – maybe is 150 pounds or 112 pounds – you know this ).

If you say this enough times, you will start believing it, (I mean your brain will starts believing it), and your body will simply follow this new program which is now absolute truth for your brain…  and you’ll get to that weight sooner than you think!

Here’s how to do it:

Slowly walk in your living room and at the same time, focus at a point from the other part of the room… And while walking and focusing to that point you say this:

“I have always been 130 pounds”…  or “I have always been healthy, sexy and beautiful ” (this is also a very powerful affirmation).

And do it slowly, and while saying the words and walking, and with your eyes open, visualize how the words you are saying are revealing in front of your eyes.

You say this at least 3 times and then you say this other phrase at least 3 times: “I have always been radiantly healthy”.

And try to be very focused. Say it with passion, as truly, for as long as you remember, you have always been healthy and skinny 🙂

If you get distracted, do it again. The goal is to make this affirmation become absolute truth for you 🙂

Because you will do this each morning, before your workout, while walking slowly, your brain gets a new PROGRAMMING, which will help you eliminate doubt, and fill yourself with confidence that this time you will lose weight easier and you’ll keep it off for life.

How long should you practice these weight loss affirmations?

Well, they only take about 3 minutes a day, and I recommend you do them daily, for the rest of your life, because you become what you think!

You will become a woman who is 130 pounds if that’s what you want! As one of my mentors used to say “Overcome, overcome, overcome until you become :-)”

So, please do it and reply with your thoughts on this 🙂 I really think it can change your life if you implement it 🙂

You can even share this message with your friends 🙂

Now about my 4th workout video…

It only takes 18 minutes to do it and you’ll absolutely love it, because it will help you tone your abs and burn more belly fat than ever 🙂

==> My 4th 18 Minutes Workout Video [watch the full 18 minutes video here]

Have an amazing dayand looking forward to your messages about the technique I mentioned above 🙂

Your friend

Aline Pilani